Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tentang Juni Kali Ini

Sudah lama sekali saya libur dan tidak melakukan apa-apa. Tiga tahun punya liburan panjang, saya selalu tahu apa yang akan saya lakuin. Tahun lalu bahkan saya hampir nggak liburan, karena sibuk bolak-balik ke Depok. Tapi sekarang saya decide untuk nggak terlibat di kegiatan kampus yang akan menghabiskan banyak waktu saya.

Akibatnya, saya bener-bener nggak ngapa-ngapain, sampai nanti magang di tengah Juli. Awalnya nyaman sekali, diam di balik selimut seharian, setelah biasanya lebih sering menghabiskan waktu di kampus daripada di rumah. Lama-lama, perasaan 'nggak berguna'-nya dateng lagi. Semua orang sudah mulai magang. Teman-teman saya bahkan ada yang sedang mengabdi atau bekerja di Riau, Kalimantan, dan Papua. Tapi saya masih di titik yang sama - nggak ngapa-ngapain.

Saking nggak ada kerjaannya, saya sampe iseng bantuin ibu saya desain pamflet buat salah satu acaranya. Saya bahkan sampe desain kecil-kecilan buat blog saya. Saking nggak ada kerjaannya, saya ngabisin lima season Grey's Anatomy dalam kurang dari dua minggu.

Oh iya, akhir semester ini saya khawatir sekali sama IPK saya. Munculnya satu nilai mata kuliah tiga SKS yang sumpah-jelek-banget-banget bikin saya down. Aduh, masalahnya insya Allah waktu kuliah saya tinggal satu semester lagi. Setelah ini, kesempatan untuk mendongkrak nilai tinggal 20 SKS lagi. Lalu, seperti biasa, sambil menunggu nilai akhir keluar, saya berdoa. Berdoa, berdoa.

IPK saya semester ini masih bisa naik ternyata. Selain mata kuliah tiga SKS itu, nilai saya yang lain lumayan baik. Nilai mata kuliah empat SKS yang saya suka tapi bikin hidup saya dan teman-teman saya di semester lalu berantakan juga alhamdulillah bagus - sesuai dengan ekspektasi awal saya yang saya kira ketinggian. IPK saya pada akhirnya masih bisa naik, tapi kurang 0,01 dari yang saya targetkan. Iya, setipis itu. Saya sih berbaik sangka aja sama Allah; mungkin Allah takut kalo sekarang IPK saya udah di atas target, saya bakalan lupa dan jelek lagi ibadahnya. Mungkin dikasih ngepas supaya saya masih kenceng doanya. Supaya nggak berhenti usahanya.

Lucu sih ya, bagus-enggaknya nilai saya pasti saya asosiasikan dengan ibadah saya di semester itu, bukan dengan seberapa rajin saya. Buat mereka yang nggak percaya, yang saya lakuin tentu saja terlihat bodoh. Tapi karena saya tau usaha saya di setiap semester sama aja, sama nggak maksimalnya, sama naik-turunnya, sama malesnya, saya tau yang matters adalah doa dan ibadah saya. Mungkin terdengar konyol, tapi toh itu yang saya percayai.

Aduh, saya bener-bener butuh ngerjain sesuatu yang ada hasilnya. Ada ide?

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Love Letter For A Friend


Dear, Clarissa.

A few times ago, when I was so busy writing love letters for BEM members, you asked me to write one for you. I never really got the time and maybe I forgot about that when I did. And now that you're in the middle of nowhere at your birthday, I suppose that this is the least that I can get you for your birthday. Because collage and videos are just too mainstream, right?

Well, first of all, I want to congratulate you for officially being an adult - as Papalia, Olds, and Feldman said. God, you're old! Hihi.

I know it's probably everyone else's wishes for you, but I do hope that you will meet a guy who you love and who loves you back anytime soon. I do hope you will meet a right guy - an intelligent guy who is not afraid to be with a smart girl like you. A guy who can make you a better person. A guy who is not drinking nor smoking (yes, it's really important - you can't argue with me!). A guy who loves his God - the same God like yours, of course (ha!). A guy who won't give up easily on you. A guy who is destined to be with you. A decent guy who has a great personality yet can't pick the right jeans nor shoes to wear - so then you will really learn that clothes don't matter. A guy who knows every flaws you have, and still want to be with you anyway. A guy who is not perfect, but is perfect for you.

And then I hope you will also give me the same kind of prayer..... Haha.
You know I take you as you are, but I do hope that you can be a lot more positive and can easily swallow your pride when it's about important matters.

I also wish that you can be a lot tougher than you already are. You know you always have me when you need a friend to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, or just a person that you can yell at and won't be angry or anything. We'll always have each other.

Thank you for being one of my very best friend. Thank you for always telling me the truth, even if sometimes I don't like it or can't face it. Thank you for standing by me. Thank you for being a good friend for me, and a good academic and nonacademic partner as well. Thank you for being an older sister of mine sometimes. Thank you for showing me another part of this world that I've never known before. Thank you for being the only person who ever said that I was the most mature 16 year old girl that you've ever known, whilst everyone else used to say that I'm super childish, or that I act like a last child or an only child. Thank you for always, always being on my side.

I do hope that we will still be best friends for a loooong time, and that we can finish our undergraduate thesis by the end of this year, graduate together and sit next to each other on the 'cum laude' chairs one or two months after, and be on the professional psychology program next year and also graduate together. And then maybe we will go on with our own lives, and meet again a few years later, practice on our own clinic. You will be in charge for the adults, and I'm gonna handle the children. And we also will make play dates for our children. Oh, and we're gonna be the greatest parent ever, by the way.

I know you will be a somebody someday. You have dreams, and I know someday you will catch them all. Maybe not in the way that you exactly want, but you will do amazing things. You will be amazing.

Oh! And I have another wish for you. That It will really happen soon:

Go have fun in Kalimantan! You will be a much better person if we meet again next month, but please don't change so much, hihi. You will do great there!

Happy birthday again, Clar.

I love you! :-D