Friday, August 31, 2012

Another Goodbye

My internship period is over. I cannot believe how fast time flies. I enjoyed every second of it - especially the part when I get to interact with the kids.

I am seriously gonna miss the kids. I will miss talking in English all day long. I will miss helping the kids with their math or spelling. I will miss being called 'miss'. I will miss listening to their naive questions or statements. I will miss telling Ghiffari to be focus, since he got attention problem - or explaining the task to Matthew slowly, since he got partial hearing impairment. I will miss Alifa's story about her interest on horses and answering her questions about my interests as well, or Aisyah's opinion on fashion, or even Naira's complain on her friends. I will miss telling Azkal and Sammy to stop yelling and running, or telling Nayyara to stop following what I just said and to be more confident. I will also miss chatting with Nayla, Levana, Talitha, and Izza.  I will miss the other kids as well: Adit, Regala, Daffa, the other Daffa, Defa, Alisha, Danika, and Jasminne. I will miss them bragging about their new gadgets, or about their overseas trips, or just about their family and themselves. I will even miss them singing Payphone or What Makes You Beautiful - Yes, all day long.

"Miss, nanti kalo ketemu kita lagi jangan sampe lupa nama kita ya!"
"When will you come back here miss? When will you finish college?"
"Why won't you work here anymore?"
"I will miss you so much, Miss!"

Guys, you have to know that I will miss you more. Working with all of you, even just for a month, give a new color in my life. It showed me that I really love working with kids, even those I get to see everyday. I get to practice my English as well - in a very fun way - because I'm sure will be ashamed if my English is worse than yours or if I don't know how to spell some words you asked or don't know about the English translation for some words that you need to write in your article. You guys also taught me to be more patient! Yes, because it needs a lot of patience to be around you guys.

And I feel really sorry for not taking a picture with them at all.

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