Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hey Mr. Sondre

Remember when I wrote that I really, really want to see Sondre on stage and capture him with my own camera?

Well, it finally happened last night.

Saya dan teman-teman kuliah saya pergi ke Java Jazz Festival 2011. Nggak tau deh Jakarta lagi kenapa, tapi kemarin macet dimana-mana. Kami berangkat jam tiga sore dari Depok, dan... coba tebak sampe Kemayoran jam berapa? Hampir jam delapan malam! Tapi perjalanan nggak kerasa membosankan karena saya punya teman-teman menyenangkan ini:

(Ekki, Ryan, Pravitasari, Anis, dan saya.)

We took some pictures, shared some jokes, mocked each other, sang some songs, and confessed some (silly and stupid) things we've done. We took the five hours we spent as our very first team building. Metpenstat team building of course, because those four are also my metpenstat mates. Too bad Posma wasn't in the same car, because he went there with his girlfriend (but we met up later).

After having fun in the car for almost five hours, we finally arrived. Kami rencananya mau nonton Dira Sugandi, Indro Hardjodikoro, Glenn Fredly, dan Marcell, tapi sayangnya kami datengnya terlalu malem. Gara-gara Jakarta yang macetnya minta ampun.

Belum selesai cobaannya. Ada kejadian yang cukup bikin kami semua kesel. Tiket saya dan Ekki dibilang duplikat. Maksudnya, udah ada yang masuk dengan nomer tiket yang sama, 20 menit sebelum kami datang. Nggak tau deh yang salah yang jual tiket atau emang ada orang jahat yang nge-hack sistem tiketnya. Saya sama Ekki panik. Iyalah, udah berjam-jam di mobil terus nggak bisa masuk, gitu? Mana kalo beli di ticket box harganya jadi lima ratus ribu-an. Tapi kemudian Ratih bilang kalo dia mau bantu patungan. Yang lain juga bilang begitu, bikin saya jadi terharu. Akhirnya saya dan Ekki beli tiket di calo (dan surprisingly bisa ditawar jadi seratus lima puluh ribu!), dengan duit patungan.

Begitu (akhirnya) masuk, Marcell lagi nyanyiin lagu terakhirnya. Sedih sih kok udah abis aja, tapi nggak apa-apa karena performa terakhirnya bagus banget (bagus disini adalah karena semua orang bisa nyanyi). Terus kami ke C2 Hall deh, buat liat dia. Buat liat Sondre Lerche. Saya nunggu satu jam lebih sama Anis, Ratih, Posma dan ceweknya, dan Kak Saski - supaya bisa dapet tempat duduk di depan.

Meskipun perjuangan saya ke Java Jazz kemarin melelahkan, semuanya terasa worth it begitu lihat Sondre ke panggung. Begitu denger Sondre metik gitarnya dan nyanyi.

"Down came the sky......."

And he was aaaawesome!!! Suaranya menurut saya lebih jernih daripada di rekaman. Dia juga komunikatif sekali. Dia humoris dan tau banget gimana cara bikin fansnya meleleh.
"It's gonna be just me and you", gitu katanya, karena dia bener-bener cuma main sendirian dengan dua gitar yang dipake bergantian.

I totally enjoyed the performance. He was only wearing white v-neck shirt and black jeans. I think he's the only person who wears v-neck and doesn't look gay at all. Instead, he looked simple and charming at the same time. He sang a lot of songs, and the best part is, I know all of them. It felt so good to sing some songs that your friends don't know. Though it also felt good to sing 'Two Way Monologue' with almost every person there (cause who don't know Two Way Monologue?). Anis and Ratih also enjoyed his performance, though they were a bit disappointed because he didn't sing 'The More I See You' and 'Heartbeat Radio'. But I didn't at all, though I was expecting he would sing some songs from 'Duper Sessions' because I thought he would sing his jazziest tracks (although he said 'I'm not even a jazz!'), because it's Java Jazz. But he didn't. But I'm not so upset because he sang 'Hell No' solo, for the first time. He said it's because we (the audience) knew all of his song. "I never play this song alone, so I need your help", he said. So we sang Regina's part. It's like Sondre sings a duet with all of his fans.

At the end of the song, he said, "Do not tell anyone, but I think you guys sing better than Regina Spektor. Please don't tell her cause she's gonna kill me."
Well, he had successfully made me melt. It was so good to see you, Mr. Sondre! Please come back soon to Indonesia. Please please pleaaaase, pretty please!

After his performance, I saw Corinne Bailey Rae's performance. She did well, but she cannot beat Sondre. The stage is a lot bigger than Sondre, cause she's more famous and got a lot more fans.

I stood too far from stage, so this is all I got:

She has a beautiful voice. Plus, her bass player - Kenny Higgins - is a person with disabilities, which made us amazed. But we are sooooo upset because she didn't sing 'Paris Night/New York Mornings'.

My friday night was so awesome. Sondre Lerche and my psycho mates made my day.

Thankyou, thankyou! :)

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